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St. Pauls (corrected)
We are happy to announce we are OPEN for in-person worship! Join us on January 5, for the Epiphany of the Lord, Holy Eucharist Service at 9.30 am.
With improving public health news, Bishop Susan Bell has decided that masking is now optional in all church buildings. People of course, are still free to wear masks according to their comfort level and personal health situation, and we thank everyone in advance for respecting each other's decisions in this time of transition.

St. Paul's is a warm, lively Christian community called by our

Lord Jesus Christ to love one another, to welcome into our midst all people,

and to proclaim the Gospel by serving the needs of the world we live in.


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Thursday Bible Study

Strength in Weakness

Apostle Paul

2 Corinthians


AUTHOR: Paul, the apostle, along with Timothy (2Cr 1:1)

PLACE OF WRITING: Somewhere in MACEDONIA, while Paul was on his way to make another visit to Corinth. This would be during his third missionary journey, in a part of which Luke says very little (cf. Ac 20:1-2).

TIME OF WRITING: Possibly in the fall of 57 A.D., making it but a few months after writing First Corinthians.


BACKGROUND OF THE EPISTLE: The church in Corinth began in 52 A.D., when Paul visited there on his second missionary journey. It was then that he stayed one and a half years, the first time he was allowed to stay in one place as long as he wished. A record of this visit and the establishment of the church is found in Ac 18:1-18.

This second letter of Paul to the Corinthian church was occasioned by the report brought back by Titus, who informed Paul of their reception of the first letter, and how they received the rebuke that letter contained (2Cr 2:12-13; 7:5-9).

PURPOSE OF THE EPISTLE: Titus' report was encouraging, but evidently it also brought troubling news that some at Corinth were questioning Paul's authority as an apostle. This doubt may have planted by "Judaizing teachers" who seemed to follow Paul and attempted to undermine his teaching concerning the Law. They appear to have questioned his veracity (2Cr 1:15-17), his speaking ability (2Cr 10:10; 11:6), and his unwillingness to accept support from the church at Corinth (2Cr 11:7-9; 12:13). There were also some people who had not repented of their licentious behavior (2Cr 12:20-21). Paul's primary purpose, then, in this epistle is:


To Vindicate His Apostleship and Manner of Life



10:00 am @ St. Paul's Anglican Church, Norval

(14 Adamson Street South)


*** Bring your own Bible! ***


For Further Information, please contact Mary Churchill @ (905) 703-0944 or email

Prison Book Ministry


We deliver eight boxes of books. St. Paul's and St. John's contributed. Thank you for your ongoing support. With blessings to each person receiving books.

A donation for St. Paul's Church


Mary Elizabeth Coupland was born in Norval and married Rev. James Maxwell an Anglican Priest.

Rev. Maxwell served as minister in three Anglican churches in Norval, Stewarttown and Hornby. The Maxwell family was well known and well loved throughout the county and beyond. He retired in 1976 and they lived the rest of their days in a log cabin overlooking the village they loved, Norval.

The pine cupboard was donated to St. Paul's Anglican Church as a Faithful reminder of the years of service to our community and church by Rev. James Maxwell, and his beloved wife Mary. 

St. Paul's Norval designation

under Ontario Heritage Act

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Attached is the intention of the Town of Halton Hills to designate St. Paul's Anglican Church Norval under the Ontario Heritage Act.

Official announcement was in Toronto Star, December 21, 2023

Tom Pettingill & Jim Belton

Importance of a Friend

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All are welcome! We encourage you to attend one of our Sunday service and experience the uplifting joy of Christ in your midst.


Find out about upcoming special services, events at St. Paul's and in the Diocese of Niagara

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IOP is managed through volunteers from the Halton Hills Anglican Church and community. 

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St. Paul's congregation members are actively involved in community life in Norval. Here you will find all actual information about this beautiful God's place and about all cultural activities in the midst of Norval community.

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